The Spectacle and Dystopian Futures

Academic video critiquing Guy Debord' s theory of the spectacle as it relates to dystopian futures.

Editing: Ketterick Waddell

Voice-Over: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


Cities of Tomorrow and Alternative Futures

Academic video examining imagined and alternative futures.

Editing: Ketterick Waddell

Voice-Overs: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


The Flows of Twitter

Academic video examining the information flows of Twitter.

Editing: Ketterick Waddell, Emma Goldhaber

Voice-Overs: Ketterick Waddell, Emma Goldhaber, Coltrane Jameson

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell, Emma Goldhaber, Coltrane Jameson


The Spectacle and Dystopian Futures
Cities of Tomorrow and Alternative Futures
The Flows of Twitter
The Spectacle and Dystopian Futures

Academic video critiquing Guy Debord' s theory of the spectacle as it relates to dystopian futures.

Editing: Ketterick Waddell

Voice-Over: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


Cities of Tomorrow and Alternative Futures

Academic video examining imagined and alternative futures.

Editing: Ketterick Waddell

Voice-Overs: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


The Flows of Twitter

Academic video examining the information flows of Twitter.

Editing: Ketterick Waddell, Emma Goldhaber

Voice-Overs: Ketterick Waddell, Emma Goldhaber, Coltrane Jameson

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell, Emma Goldhaber, Coltrane Jameson


show thumbnails