
"Giggle" is a satirical short story of a young queer adult on a journey of self-acceptance through connection and community.

Written By: Ketterick Waddell

Directed By: Ketterick Waddell

Produced By: Ketterick Waddell

Captioned By: Ketterick Waddell

Edited By: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


What Do You Know From Funny?

“What Do You Know From Funny?” is an autoethnographic mediation of stand-up comedy, humor, and theory as pedagogical mediums towards love in praxis.

Written By: Ketterick Waddell

Directed By: Ketterick Waddell

Produced By: Ketterick Waddell

Performed By: Ketterick Waddell

Captioned By: Ketterick Waddell

Edited By: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell



Experimental short reflecting on the isolation found during the Covid Pandemic of 2020.

Filmed By: Ketterick Waddell

Edited By: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


Casual Stroll

Satirical short reflecting on the journey of friends in the streets of New York City.

Filmed by: Ketterick Waddell

Edited by: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


Felt That

Satirical video collage highlighting the relationship of humor and the Black experience on social media.

Edited By: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


What Do You Know From Funny?
Casual Stroll
Felt That

"Giggle" is a satirical short story of a young queer adult on a journey of self-acceptance through connection and community.

Written By: Ketterick Waddell

Directed By: Ketterick Waddell

Produced By: Ketterick Waddell

Captioned By: Ketterick Waddell

Edited By: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


What Do You Know From Funny?

“What Do You Know From Funny?” is an autoethnographic mediation of stand-up comedy, humor, and theory as pedagogical mediums towards love in praxis.

Written By: Ketterick Waddell

Directed By: Ketterick Waddell

Produced By: Ketterick Waddell

Performed By: Ketterick Waddell

Captioned By: Ketterick Waddell

Edited By: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell



Experimental short reflecting on the isolation found during the Covid Pandemic of 2020.

Filmed By: Ketterick Waddell

Edited By: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


Casual Stroll

Satirical short reflecting on the journey of friends in the streets of New York City.

Filmed by: Ketterick Waddell

Edited by: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


Felt That

Satirical video collage highlighting the relationship of humor and the Black experience on social media.

Edited By: Ketterick Waddell

Creative Direction: Ketterick Waddell


show thumbnails